What are Flashes and Floaters?

Floaters are a common eye problem. Floaters are usually due to debris in the vitreous jelly of the eye. You may find floaters visually disturbing as they can float across the centre of your vision and affect your reading or driving. Floaters can take on many shapes and forms. You may see the floater as a fine line, a blob, a circle, or a “cobweb”.

Additionally, you may experience flashes of light in your vision. The occasional flashes can occur due to the vitreous jelly exerting traction on the retina. The traction causes the impression of a small flash of light, often in your peripheral vision. Symptoms of flashes of light can also sometimes be related to migraine headaches.

When Do You Need to Seek Medical Attention?

Symptoms of flashes and floaters are usually benign. They can be part of age-related changes in your eyes. However, one in ten patients with symptoms of flashes and floaters may have a retinal tear or a retinal detachment, which requires urgent assessment and treatment. Other less common causes of floaters include inflammation in the eyes (uveitis) and vitreous bleeding which also requires prompt assessment.

It is important to note that if you notice any of the following symptoms, your symptoms may signal a more serious condition. Flashes and floaters can be symptoms of a posterior vitreous detachment, retinal tear, retinal detachment.

These symptoms include:

  • Sudden increase in new floaters
  • Sudden increase in the frequency of flashes
  • Flashes become persistent such as being present all day
  • Floaters which become much larger or increase in number or accompanied by flashes
  • The impression of a curtain or shadow coming up and down, or moving sideways in your vision
  • Loss of vision

If any of the symptoms occurs, contact us at City Eye Centre on (07) 3831 6888. Please let our reception staff know of your symptoms and we will ensure that you are seen as soon as possible.

Are There Treatments Available for Floaters?

Certain types of floaters that are not associated with tears or detachment in the retina may be treated if you find them visually disturbing. Vitreolysis laser treatment is available at City Eye Centre. You will require a comprehensive eye examination to determine suitability and for our doctors to discuss the risks and benefits with you. Some persistent floaters require removal by vitrectomy surgery if they are significantly affecting your vision and are non-clearing. For more information on vitrectomy surgery, please click here.